
Hi, my name is Stephen Bevan and I am Principal at Tuart Hill Primary School in Perth, Western Australia. Research shows that open and clear communication between home and school is important which is why I have created this blog. As Principal of Tuart Hill Primary School I value your opinions and encourage your comments. Feel free to comment on any of the posts.

I will endeavour to provide you with regular and informative posts about our school and its activities. I ask that your comments be constructive and positive with any concerns or complaints directed to me personally at school.

Tuart Hill Primary School prides itself on the positive, open and friendly culture that has been established. Our vision is to raise the literacy level of all students through the provision of quality teaching and learning opportunities.

Saturday 24 March 2012

Principal's Report to P&C 21 March 2012

Fundraising Plan
I have presented a Fundraising Plan to the P&C Fundraising Committee. I consulted with staff in the production of this plan so as to ensure all fundraising activities are included.

School Board
The School Board met for the first time last Wednesday (March 14). At the meeting they endorsed the school Delivery and Performance Agreement, School Business Plan (content) and School Operational Plans.

The members of our School Board in 2012 include:
  • Julie Hosking – P&C parent representative
  • Pierra Sanders – elected parent member
  • Sophie Farnan - elected parent member
  • Maitland Somers – elected parent member
  • Anne Barone – Community member
  • David Michael – Community member
  • Dianne Mount-Bryson – Staff member
  • Tony Raschilla – Staff member
  • Stephen Bevan – Staff member
Ian Ralph, Deputy Principal has expressed interest on being a member of the School Board. In order to maintain a parent ration which is greater than staff a new parent position will be advertised.

School Priorities and Planning
The priority areas identified in our Business Plan include:
  1. Literacy
  2. Numeracy
  3. ICT
  4. Sustainable Schooling
  5. Implementation of the Australian Curriculum
  6. Early Years Learning Framework
Request for Funding
ICT is a critical part of our school focus. As a staff we believe that skilled use of ICT greatly enhances the learning environment. Mr Ian Ralph has been employed as a Deputy Principal with the role of establishing our ICT infrastructure and up-skilling our staff in ‘best practice’ teaching and learning techniques. Already this year he has made significant contributions. With the release of the new iPad (3rd generation) we have been able to source 15 iPad 2’s at a reduced price ($6000). Because this expenditure was not originally catered for in the budget we would like to request that the P&C provide 50% of the cost.

Harmony Day
This event was a great success. On behalf of the staff I would like to thank the P&C for their contribution on the day. The ‘Hungry for Culture’ publication is an outstanding project and I congratulate Julie and her team for making it happen. Copies of the publication have arrived and will be distributed with tomorrow’s newsletter.

1 comment:

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Please feel free to post a comment. All comments will be moderated prior to uploading to the blog. Concerns, issues or complaints should not be posted on this blog but should be directed straight to a member of the school admin team.

Thanks for your interest in our school.