
Hi, my name is Stephen Bevan and I am Principal at Tuart Hill Primary School in Perth, Western Australia. Research shows that open and clear communication between home and school is important which is why I have created this blog. As Principal of Tuart Hill Primary School I value your opinions and encourage your comments. Feel free to comment on any of the posts.

I will endeavour to provide you with regular and informative posts about our school and its activities. I ask that your comments be constructive and positive with any concerns or complaints directed to me personally at school.

Tuart Hill Primary School prides itself on the positive, open and friendly culture that has been established. Our vision is to raise the literacy level of all students through the provision of quality teaching and learning opportunities.

Wednesday 15 February 2012

Principal's Report to P&C 15 February 2012

Welcome back to school for 2012. I am looking forward to seeing all the initiatives and strategies that the P&C have been working on to support our school take shape over the coming year. I hope that we will continue to improve communication between the school and the P&C as we work to make a difference for your children/our students.

 All Principal reports to P&C will now be housed on my blog. Links to relevant information will be included to enhance communication and keep you informed. Feedback and comments can be made on the blog or at meetings where the report will be discussed.

IPS + Staffing The IPS initiative has already shown its worth through the quality staff that we have been able to employ. This includes:
  • Mr Ian Ralph (Deputy Principal) – Ian will be focusing on supporting staff to utilise ICT (computers etc) so as to enhance teaching and learning opportunities for students 
  • Mrs Julie Growden (ESL Support Teacher) – Julie will be working with many of our students who have English as a second language. Julie has also volunteered to be our school Promotions Officer
  • Miss Carrie Bradley (Year 5/6 Teacher) – Carrie is replacing Ms McQueen who has won a placement at Meekathara District High School as Deputy Principal 
  • Mrs Gurdeep Dhaliwal (Education Assistant) – Gurdeep will be providing support to teachers and students with need in the school 
  • Mrs Donnelle Stevenson (School Officer) – Donnelle will be working one day per week to support our office staff with new work that is required as an independent public school 
  • Mr Steven Ioannou (has been appointed permanently)  
  • Miss Carrie Bradley (Teacher)
  • Miss Bree Roller (Art Teacher)
  • Miss Rachel Price (ECE teacher)
  • Miss Chelsea Marron (Teacher)
  • Mrs Denise Dewing (Teacher)

Focus 2012 This document outlines the focus areas that our school system will take over the next 12 months. It forms part of the Classroom First Strategy.

Changes to Assembly Assemblies in 2012 has been changed from Friday to Thursday. This change was required as our LOTE program, which is run on a Friday, was regularly interrupted by assembly in 2011. We have attempted to get LOTE changed to a different day but Mrs Leckie works on all other days and a change was not possible.  

Teacher/Parent Information Evening Our information evening was held on February 8. An average of 10 parents attended from each class. This is a reasonable turn out but could be better. Feedback regarding the benefits of this time and ways to improve it are requested.  

Year 7 Camp To subsidize the camp we are asking that they P&C fund $25 per student again in 2012. At present we are expecting 26 students to attend at a total cost to the P&C of $650.  The camp will be held at Ern Halliday again this year.

Swimming Lessons Lessons will be conducted between February 20 and March 2 at Tuart College. This venue benefits our students as it is free and we can walk there.  

Australian Curriculum The formal implementation period for Phase 1 of the Australian Curriculum begins in July 2012 and continues until July 2015 (click here for timeline).. Phase one learning areas include English, Mathematics, Science and History. Admin staff have recently attended a two day professional learning session to look at how we will plan and implement this important change. Information about the Australian Curriculum can be found online (Google Australian Curriculum and you will find the site) or click here Part of the implementation process will include information sessions for parents and community members so please watch out for these.  

Communication and Public Relations As part of our school development day planning earlier this year, staff talked about ways we could enhance the school's image and promote itself in the community. One suggestion that was put forward was to ask the P&C to run a weekly afternoon tea in the kitchen e.g. on a Wednesday around 2.15pm parents come to the kitchen and get a coffee/tea and biscuit. This would be a good opportunity for relationship building and the sharing of information from the P&C as well as the school.

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