
Hi, my name is Stephen Bevan and I am Principal at Tuart Hill Primary School in Perth, Western Australia. Research shows that open and clear communication between home and school is important which is why I have created this blog. As Principal of Tuart Hill Primary School I value your opinions and encourage your comments. Feel free to comment on any of the posts.

I will endeavour to provide you with regular and informative posts about our school and its activities. I ask that your comments be constructive and positive with any concerns or complaints directed to me personally at school.

Tuart Hill Primary School prides itself on the positive, open and friendly culture that has been established. Our vision is to raise the literacy level of all students through the provision of quality teaching and learning opportunities.

Sunday 27 April 2014

Term 2

Here is our Term 2 planner. Please check our monthly newsletter, website or email for any changes to the activities shown here. A copy of this planner was sent home at the end of last term.

Our first newsletter will be sent home in Week 2.

This term is NAPLAN term. Students in Year 3, 5 and 7 will participate in the testing in Week 3. For more information please visit this website: http://www.nap.edu.au/naplan/naplan.html