
Hi, my name is Stephen Bevan and I am Principal at Tuart Hill Primary School in Perth, Western Australia. Research shows that open and clear communication between home and school is important which is why I have created this blog. As Principal of Tuart Hill Primary School I value your opinions and encourage your comments. Feel free to comment on any of the posts.

I will endeavour to provide you with regular and informative posts about our school and its activities. I ask that your comments be constructive and positive with any concerns or complaints directed to me personally at school.

Tuart Hill Primary School prides itself on the positive, open and friendly culture that has been established. Our vision is to raise the literacy level of all students through the provision of quality teaching and learning opportunities.

Friday 21 February 2014

Our P&C 2014

The P&C Annual General Meeting was held this week with over 30 parents and staff attending. This was a wonderful turn out which we hope to maintain throughout the year. Many thanks go to Karina Wells who has been our P&C President for over 12 months now. Karina has decided to step down from the role in 2014 but we thank her for all her work. Karina is a very active member of our school community and she will be continuing as the coordinator of the Uniform Shop.

Many thanks go to all the people who have volunteered in the roles listed. Without these people there would not be a P&C. All parents are encouraged to get involved in and around our school. If you don't know how then please talk to one of the people below or one of our admin staff. If you would like the email or phone number of one of these people please contact the office. We would love to see you!

2014 P&C Members
Penny Roberts Craig
Vice Presidents:
Nick Mortimer
Robert Damhuis
Liz Manumua
Catherine Kidd
Executive Members:
Betty Green
Gaylia McQueen
Kellie Withers 
Tanya Woodard 
Uniform Shop Coordinator:
Karina Wells 
Uniform Shop Assistants:
Natasha King 
Gabbi Potter 
Canteen Manager:
Rebecca Gelok 
Canteen Chairperson:
Canteen Committee Members:
Tina Taylor 
Sarah Robinson 
Catherine Kidd 
Penny Roberts Craig 
Fundraising Coordinator:
Tanya Woodard 
Fundraising Committee:
Gaylia McQueen 
Dianna Beeck 
Julie Hosking 
Wade Robinson 
Liz Manumua 
Liva Saena 
Tracy Vaatuitui 
School Board Representative:
Julie Hosking 
WACSSO Conference Delegates:
Betty Green - 9349 2805
Melanie Damhuis 
Marisa Lister 

Changes to Term Planner - Swimming Carnival

The date of our school Swimming Carnival has changed from March 7 to March 14 as it clashed with the Leeuwin training excursion organised for our Student Councillors.

Thursday 20 February 2014

Healthy Messages from our School Health Nurse

Jo Luplau is our School Health Nurse. Her role is to support parents and the school in the health assessment and care of our students. Jo sends through helpful information on a range of different topics.

Head lice

Tips for preventing head lice

Check your child’s hair regularly for head lice and eggs (‘nits’). Use a metal fine tooth ‘nit’ comb and plenty of hair conditioner applied to the dry hair, to make the task easier and more effective. To help children sit still for this, offer distracting activities, e.g. play a favourite video, provide games, encourage reading, offer a head massage
Tie long hair back. Braid long hair and/or put it up if possible.
Consider applying hair gel or mousse. These do not prevent or repel lice but may help to keep stray hair strands from contact with other heads.
Avoid sharing combs or brushes.
Remind your child to avoid head-to-head contact with other children, e.g. when working at the computer with others, or when playing, or hugging.
For more information:
·        The Head lice Fact Sheet available from the school
Bike safety tips
Riding a bike is great fun and good exercise for children and teens. Here are a few tips to keep your children safe while cycling:
·        Always supervise children under 10 years of age.
·        Teach your child the rules of the road before they ride by themselves.
·        Riding in the driveway should not be encouraged – it is a common place for nasty accidents. Children need to know that driveways can be dangerous. Teach your child to stop at the end of the driveway, look, listen, and think about whether it is safe to cross 
·        Make sure your child has a helmet that fits correctly. Helmets should be worn at all times when riding. Parents should set a good example by wearing a helmet themselves.
·        Make sure your child’s bike is in good condition.
·        Fit bikes with appropriate reflectors.
·        Make sure your child wears bright coloured clothing when riding.
For more information visit www.kidsafewa.com.au/

How to keep your child safe online
Protecting your children from harm is just as important online as it is in the real world. As a parent or carer, you can play an important role in helping children have safe and positive experiences online.
The internet offers an exciting world of experiences for children and the whole family. It can be entertaining, educational and rewarding. However, using the internet also involves risks and challenges.
Children might be exposed to content that is sexually explicit, violent, prohibited or even illegal. They may also experience cyber bullying or be at risk from contact by strangers.
Children may - unknowingly or deliberately - share personal information without realising they may be subject to identity theft, or that they are leaving behind content that might not reflect well on them in the future.
Talk with your kids about the risks, and answer their questions or concerns about things they find on the Internet. For more information visit:http://www.staysmartonline.gov.au/home_users/protect_your_children

How much physical activity should my child be doing?
Children need at least 60 minutes of physical activity each day.  But more is better, so encourage your child to be active for up to several hours each day. 
Children need a combination of moderate and vigorous activity.  ‘Moderate activity’ is any activity which is similar in intensity to a brisk walk e.g. bike riding or active playing. ‘Vigorous activity’ is any activity which makes your child “huff and puff” e.g. organised sports, ballet, running or swimming laps.
Any activity that requires your child to expend energy should be encouraged. Go tohttp://raisingchildren.net.au/nutrition__fitness/school_age_nutrition.html for more information.

Immunisation - information for parents
Immunisation programs in our community are designed to keep everyone well and safe, especially those people who are most at risk, such as babies.
Parents or legal guardians who do not immunise their child should note the following:
·        In the case of a Measles or Pertussis (whooping cough) outbreak, Western Australian schools are required by the Department of Health, to exclude students who have not received the appropriate vaccination.
Please make sure your school-aged child is fully immunised and that you have provided a copy of the ACIR immunisation record to the school.
Did you know that as parents you can ring the National registry or go to the web site to check out your child’s immunisation status? All you need is your Medicare number. Phone1800 653 809 or access the web site: www.humanservices.gov.au or emailacir@humanservices.gov.au
My name is Jo Luplau and I am the Community Health Nurse who visits your school.
Community Health Nurses work in schools to promote healthy development and wellbeing so students may reach their full potential. A major part of my work is focused on early intervention and the School Entry Health Assessment program.
Community Health Nurses serve as a health contact point for children and their families, providing information, assessment, health counselling and referral. The services provided are free and confidential.
f you have a concern about your child’s health or development, please contact me on

Sun safety
With the hot weather approaching, it is important to talk to your children about sun safety and teach them good sun protection habits.
·        Slip on some sun-protective clothing – that covers as much skin as possible
·        Slop on broad spectrum, water resistant SPF30+ sunscreen. Put it on 20 minutes before you go outdoors and every two hours afterwards. Sunscreen should never be used to extend the time you spend in the sun.
·        Slap on a hat – that protects your face, head, neck and ears
·        Seek shade
·        Slide on some sunglasses – make sure they meet Australian Standards.
Extra care should be taken between 10am and 3pm when UV levels reach their peak.
For more information see the Cancer Council website: www.cancer.org.au.

Saturday 15 February 2014

Swimming Lessons

2014 was our school's turn for swimming lessons in the first two weeks of the year. This had some organizational challenges which Mrs vanderWal handled brilliantly. Most of our students attended lessons which were again held at the Tuart College swimming pool. While at times the water was quite chilly the weather was delightful and our students did a great job with many passing into the next stage.

Lost Property

Our lost property area has moved. It is now located outside the Uniform Shop (Room 1).

Parents are reminded that they should only take lost property belonging to their own child.

Please ensure that you label all of your child's clothing so that is they leave it in the playground it can be returned to them.

'Meet the Teacher' Open Night

Many thanks go to the parents who came along to meet their child's teacher at last week's open night. We had approximately 60% of our students represented by their parents on the night. Below is a graph showing the number of parents who attended in each class.

One of our targets as a school is to provide all parents with an opportunity to participate in whole school activities such as this open night. Clear and open communication between school and home is critical if we are to provide a united approach to improving student achievement. Parents are encouraged to ask questions and/or raise concerns that they may have about their child. Teachers can be contacted via their Department of Education email address (firstname.secondname@education.wa.edu.au). Alternatively contact can be made via letter or by phoning the school office. Please remember that teachers can not always meet with you without a prior appointment i.e. they are often busy preparing for lessons before school or have other meetings after school. Our Deputy Principal's or I are often available to chat with parents although appointments are usually the best way to ensure that adequate time is set aside for meetings.

Our Monthly Newsletter

Here is a link to the newsletter that was sent out last week: Newsletter

We are working at keeping our school website up to date with the latest activities around our school. The address is http://www.tuarthillps.wa.edu.au/

We would like to create an email mailing list of all parents as another way of keeping parents informed about what is happening at Tuart Hill Primary School. Please let our office ladies know your email address.

Sunday 2 February 2014

Welcome Back message

The view from my house in Canada

Welcome back to school for 2014 and Happy New Year to you all. A special welcome goes to new families who have joined our school community. Tuart Hill Primary School is a wonderful place for your child to be as our staff are dedicated and our community is open and friendly. I am excited to be back in the Principal’s chair after a year spent on exchange in Canada. I thoroughly enjoyed my time in Canada and have over 5000 photos to prove it! During my time there I taught Grade 6/7 students and on the holidays managed to see many awesome sights across North America. Canada is an amazing country with some many natural wonders which I hope many of you will get to visit one day.

Last week our staff spent time planning and preparing for what is going to be a great year. I look forward to catching up with you all during the term.

CLASS PLACEMENTS: This term has had a busy start already with many new enrolments which has resulted in the formation of an additional class. Student numbers dictate our allocation of teacher time and class structure. We are required to create classes that provide room for additional enrolments during the year. There are also limitations to the number of students that we can place in each class. Student placement is done carefully and parent requests are considered where possible. It is understandable for some students to feel anxious about their class placement especially if they don’t know many of the other students in the class. However, children are very resilient and learn a lot about making and building relationships and friendships at the beginning of every school year. Parents should remind anxious children that they will soon have new friends and that their feelings of anxiety will diminish with time.   

STAFF NEWS: We welcome Mr Mason who is teaching Physical Education and Room 12 (on Mondays) and Miss Reid who is teaching Indonesian. Ms Flajt (Kindergarten A & B) is currently on sick leave and is being replaced by Miss Paterson. 

EARLY ARRIVALS: The school does not provide a babysitting or child care service. For their own safety, students should not be at school before 8.10am. When they arrive at school all students must go to the Hall where they will be supervised until being sent to class at 8.30am.

LATE ARRIVALS: Students who arrive late to school must go to the office before going to their classroom. All late arrivals are recorded.

PARKING AND CAR PARKS: Student safety is a priority for us. Parents are reminded to observe all speed limits and parking regulations when driving around the school. Double parking and parking in school car parks is not permitted.