
Hi, my name is Stephen Bevan and I am Principal at Tuart Hill Primary School in Perth, Western Australia. Research shows that open and clear communication between home and school is important which is why I have created this blog. As Principal of Tuart Hill Primary School I value your opinions and encourage your comments. Feel free to comment on any of the posts.

I will endeavour to provide you with regular and informative posts about our school and its activities. I ask that your comments be constructive and positive with any concerns or complaints directed to me personally at school.

Tuart Hill Primary School prides itself on the positive, open and friendly culture that has been established. Our vision is to raise the literacy level of all students through the provision of quality teaching and learning opportunities.

Thursday 27 September 2012

Happy Holidays

I would like to wish all students and their families a happy and safe school holiday period. See you all back on Tuesday October 16.

Wednesday 26 September 2012

2012 Open Night

Mr Bevan cooking dinner
 Last night we held our annual Term 3 School Open Night. This year, we provided a sausage sizzle as part of the night.

Our Open Night was a great success and we thank all the parents and family members who came along. Below is a link to a survey which only consists of 8 questions that we would love for you to complete. The survey will provide us with feedback that we can use to improve our Open Nights in the future.

 2012 School Open Night Survey

The survey will remain open until October 19.
Mr Kettell showing some great student work.

Tuesday 25 September 2012

Tuart Hill in the West

Our students and garden have featured again in the West Australian newspaper today. Congratulations go to Mr Raschilla and our wonderful students for promoting our school so well.

Friday 21 September 2012

Newsletter front page 20 September 2012

Another term has come and almost gone with this being the last newsletter before the school holidays. Earlier this week you should have received a letter about our Term 3 Open Night which will be held on September 25. In recent years we have been disappointed with the number of parents who have attended this night. This is a good opportunity to look around your child’s classroom and see the kind of work that they have been doing. Teachers have been preparing their classes for the Open Night so it would be great to get as many parents along as possible. This year we are allowing parents to bring their younger children but regular school rules apply and all children must be under the direct supervision of their parents. We also have a sausage sizzle with pre-orders due on Friday September 21.

We are in the midst of athletics carnivals with our main event having been held on September 7. Many thanks go to Mr Ioannou for organising and managing the carnival so well. Congratulations go to Leo for winning the carnival for the first time since 2006. Congratulations also to all our runner-up and champion boys and girls. Mr Ioannou has also organised this year’s Interschool Carnival at Jolimont Primary School. The cross-country, jumps and throws events were held on Tuesday this week with our students representing themselves and our school beautifully in both their effort and behaviour. The main carnival is being held today and the overall results will be posted on my blog: http://mbevan.blogspot.com.au/

Quote for the week…
Successful people are always looking for opportunities to help others. Unsuccessful people are always asking, "What's in it for me?"
Brian Tracy
On Sunday September 9 some of our staff and parents gave up much of their day to run a sausage sizzle at Balcatta Bunnings with proceeds going towards our kitchen garden program. Special thanks is extended to our Business Manager, Vera Hick and her husband Graham who spent many extra hours preparing for this event and then managing the stall on the day.   We are certainly very blessed to have so many staff and community members who are willing to give up their time to support our school. A total of just over $1600 was raised on the day.

Interschool Athletics

Yesterday we held the second part of this year's Interschool Athletics carnival at Jolimont Primary School. The weather turned out to be supurb and our students did a great job of representing both themselves and our school. Many thanks go to the staff and our ECU student teachers who have worked hard getting the team ready for this event. Special thanks go to Mr Ioannou who was responsible for organising the entire carnival this year. He did a great job and the event was an enormous success. Our thanks also go to the ladies from the P&C who provided a food and drink stall.

While we didn't win a shield we certainly tried hard and had a great time.


Handicap Shield
5th Tuart Hill
4th Lake Monger
3rd West Leederville
2nd Osborne
1st Jolimont

Outright Shield
5th Lake Monger'
4th Tuart Hill
3rd Osborne
2nd Jolimont
1st West Leederville

Thursday 13 September 2012

Crunch and Sip Links

Mrs O'Neil and Mrs Snart have developed a wonderful display in our staffroom which is designed to give teachers ideas about how to incorporate activities involving seasonal fruit and vegetables into classroom lessons across the various learning areas.

This resource supports the school's Crunch-n-Sip program as well as the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program.

Our First Eggs

Today was a very exciting day at Tuart Hill with our new chickens laying their first eggs. We anticipate that they should lay one egg per day.

At present we only have three chickens although we are planning to purchase some more very soon.

The eggs that we collect will be used in classroom cooking activities. Parents who are rostered to help in the garden over the weekend or on the holidays can take the eggs they collect home for their own cooking.

Monday 10 September 2012


Student Attendance: Our school attendance data for Semester 1 indicates that most of our students attend school more regularly than students across our district. Our attendance rates are also better than ‘like’ schools.

The audit of attendance conducted earlier this term provides us with information that allows us to set targets for improvement. While our data is very positive there are still a number of students who, for various reasons, are deemed to be ‘at risk’ due to their intermittent attendance at school. Parents and carers are reminded that they are legally responsible for ensuring their child attends school every day.

Our school is active in promoting high attendance rates with various strategies employed to address specific students who are regularly away. Parents planning to withdraw children for extended holidays should consider carefully the impact that this absence will have on their child’s ongoing development. We are always willing to offer advice to parents so please make a time to meet with your child’s teacher or Mrs vanderWal (Deputy Principal ) who is in charge of monitoring student attendance at our school.

The school is required to obtain a reasonable explanation for every student absence. This can be provided verbally or in writing either before your child is away or on their return to school.

Managing Conflict: Occasionally we all experience some kind of conflict with other people. This conflict needs to be managed in a responsible way so that it does not result in things being said or done that are inappropriate. Parents who find themselves in conflict with other parents and are unsure how to manage it should make a time to meet with a member of the admin team so that we can assist. Parents are not permitted to approach other parents or students in a threatening or intimidating manner. We teach our students three basic rules which should govern their behaviour. These same rules apply to adults on our school site:

  1. Keep your hands and feet to yourself
  2. Play safe and sensible games
  3. Treat others the way you would like to be treated

School Business Plan

Our school Business Plan is now available online at the following link: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/45994355/Tuart%20Hill%20Brochure.pdf

Greenfingers Thankyou Morning Tea

Today the Greenfingers team were back at our school putting on a morning tea to thank their major sponsor, the Water Corporation, as well as the suppliers who donated goods and services for the project. Representatives of the various schools involved in the project were also present. Schools that attended included Carey Baptist College, Roleystone Community College and Bannister Creek Primary School.

Once again, our thanks go to the Water Corporation and Greenfingers for providing us with our wonderful garden. Mrs O’Neil was able to purchase some new chickens which are now at home in our chicken coop. One of them looks a bit strange but she assures us that its odd look is normal and that it is called a ‘punk-rocker’.

Bunnings Fundraiser

P9094122On Sunday some of our staff and parents gave up much of their day to run a sausage sizzle at Balcatta Bunnings with proceeds going towards our kitchen garden program. Special thanks is extended to our Business Manager, Vera Hick and her husband Graham who spent many extra hours preparing for this event and then managing the stall on the day.   We are certainly very blessed to have so many staff and community members who are willing to give up their time to support P9094119our school.

Athletics Carnival

Last Friday’s athletics carnival was a wonderful event which was made even better by the beautiful weather that we enjoyed. Earlier in the week the weather had not been so good with the cross-country and jumps and throws events delayed by a couple of days. Mr Ioannou did a wonderful job working around the weather conditions to get all events completed by the end of the week. I would like to thank him for his work. I also extend my thanks to all the staff who supported Mr Ioannou on the day. Many thanks go to the P&C and parent helpers who ran the various stalls and to all family and community members who came and cheered on their child.

Congratulations go to our students who participated so well in all events. Well done Leo faction for winning this year’s carnival and to all the runner-up and champion boys and girls.