
Hi, my name is Stephen Bevan and I am Principal at Tuart Hill Primary School in Perth, Western Australia. Research shows that open and clear communication between home and school is important which is why I have created this blog. As Principal of Tuart Hill Primary School I value your opinions and encourage your comments. Feel free to comment on any of the posts.

I will endeavour to provide you with regular and informative posts about our school and its activities. I ask that your comments be constructive and positive with any concerns or complaints directed to me personally at school.

Tuart Hill Primary School prides itself on the positive, open and friendly culture that has been established. Our vision is to raise the literacy level of all students through the provision of quality teaching and learning opportunities.

Thursday 26 July 2012

The NED Show

Today, the NED Show came to Tuart Hill Primary School. Our presenter was Amanda and she entertained and thrilled the entire school with her humerous antics and wonderful story telling. She was also very skilled with a yo-yo! A key part of the NED Show is its positive message that everyone can be a CHAMPION at school and in life by...
1. Never giving Up
2. Encouraging others
3. Doing your best

For more information on the NED Show visit their website www.thenedshow.com/ . Students all received an information sheet and order form for purchaing NED Show merchandise. The sale of all items goes towards funding future NED Show presentations around the world. The NED Show shop will be open at recess and lunch for the next 5 days so that students can make purchases. For safety reasons, students are only permitted to use their yo-yos for a limited time in the Hall.

Monday 23 July 2012


You will notice that our chicken coop is now empty. Unfortunately, we had another chicken die over the holidays as well as an additional one get sick. This left us with 3 chickens who we also expected to get sick. Following consultation with the supplier as well as the Animal Ethics Committee (at central office) it was decided to have the remaining chickens humanly euthanatized. We will have the coop cleaned and purchase chickens which are older and properly vaccinated. We will wait until the warmer weather arrives in Spring before purchasing our new chickens.

Many thanks go to the parents and community members who helped maintain our school garden over the holidays. A new roster has been prepared covering weekends for Term 3. Parents who would like an opportunity to join the roster can let us know via email, phone or by visiting our school office.

New Staff

Miss Bree Roller has taken leave for Term 3. She has been replaced by Miss Kylie Hodge. We welcome Kylie to our school.

School Development Day Term 3, 2012

Mrs Hick hard at work! Our staff were back at work today. Our morning started with a Christmas in July breakfast which was a lot of fun and a good way for everyone to settle back into school for the term. Many thanks go to Mrs Hick, Mrs Mount-Bryson and Mrs Price for their work on the day preparing food. This included breakfast, morning-tea and lunch.

Our focus for the day was on Mathematics Giving out secret Santa giftswith a guest presenter, Richard Korbosky helping to up skill teachers with new ideas and strategies for teaching Mathematics in their classroom. Richard has been teaching, lecturing at university and consulting on many different projects including the Australian Curriculum development and implementation. 

Thursday 5 July 2012

10 questions about the Australian Curriculum

The documents below were taken from the May edition of 'School Matters' which is a monthly publication produced by the Department of Education (for staff.) This article answers 10 of the common questions about the new Australian Curriculum.

QR codes in the school garden

Mr Ralph has been working with a group of students to develop labels in our garden using QR codes. By scanning these codes with a smartphone or iPad you will be directed to a website which will give you more information about the vegetable, herb or fruit tree being grown. Students are using software that is available online to generate the codes. A scanner can also be downloaded for free.

Parents are welcome to come along and try scanning our labels and finding out more about the delicious plants we are growing.

Staff Change

Our thanks go to Miss Carrie Bradley who has been doing an excellent job teaching in Room 11 Year 5/6. Carrie has been filling in for Ms Gaylia McQueen who will be returning to our school in Semester 2. We are sad to see Miss Bradley leave but welcome back Ms McQueen to our teaching team.

School garden over the holidays

Many thanks go to the parents who have already done a great job on our Community Help roster. Our first holiday period is now about to start so we will continue to rely on our wonderful volunteers to keep our garden and animals healthy for the next two weeks. Below is the roster for the next two weeks.

7 July
Narelle (Leyla)
8 July
Laura (Lexi & James)
9 July
Tarryn & Ben (Jordan)
10 July
Caroline Waetford (Don & Chico)
11 July
Sophie & Wayne (Max)
12 July
After School Care (Joy)
13 July
Troy & Kendall (Finley)
14 July
Rachel & Sam (Samuel & Lucas)
15 July
Cassie (Emelia)
16 July
After School Care (Joy)
17 July
Sharon (Jamahl)
18 July
After School Care (Joy)
19 July
Karina (Tahlia)
20 July
After School Care (Joy)
21 July
Jasmine & Salvatore (Saffron & Remy)
22 July
Sarah & Wade (Ethan & Thomas)

The names that are highlighted in red are the people that we would like to feed the animals (they only need feeding every second or third day). The chickens need to have their pellets and water filled on these days. Chicken droppings can be picked up on any day and placed in the bucket until full. The bucket should then be placed in the compost bin or in the red wheelie bin in the shed.

Please do not lot children into the chicken coop until we have been able to determine if any chickens are still affected by the recent illness. If you notice that any are sick please call Di Mount-Bryson.

The yabby and fish food is in the shed and has instructions on it. Please call Di if you are unsure.

At the end of the holidays some of our staff will be emptying and cleaning the Aquaponic tanks so that they look much nicer.

Please remember to log onto the wiki to keep records of your work in the garden.

If it rains then you will not need to do much watering (except in the greenhouse). Please remember to lock everything away in the shed before you leave.

KEYS – Joy at the after school care program will be managing keys for us. On weekdays you need to go to the after school care room and get the garden keys. Please remember to return them before you leave. People rostered over the weekends will need to visit the after school care room on the Friday before their roster and get a set of keys. It is important that the keys are returned early on Monday morning.

The wiki has a roster with phone numbers on it. If you are unable to attend on your rostered day please contact someone else and do a swap or else ring Di.

Thanks for your participation in this wonderful school program.

School Disco

Our school P&C and Mr Ioannou have organised another school Disco for our students to enjoy. This is a perfect opportunity for students to demostrate the dances that they have been learning during lessons this term. Parents are encouraged to attend with their children. The Disco is for students who are currently enrolled at the school only. We ask that you do not bring younger or older children even if they attended the school in the past.

Wednesday 4 July 2012

Enrolments Flyer 2013

Lost Property

We have a large pile of lost property which has accumulated outside the canteen. Parents are asked to check the pile to see if any of the items belong to their children. Please don't take things that may belong to others.

Monday 2 July 2012

Term 3 Planner

We have added a Term 3 Planner to our school website. Please click this link or go to the website to view it. Term 3 Planner

The events on this planner are accurate today but may change in the future. Please keep checking this blog, our website or fortnightly newsletters for possible updates.

Front page of last week's newsletter

Dear Parents, Carers and Community Members

This is the last newsletter for Semester 1. Half of the year is now just about over and we are already starting to reflect on our school plans in order to begin preparing for Semester 2 as well as the 2013 school year. So many excellent activities have already taken place with many more yet to come.

We are looking forward to seeing our kitchen garden program become established as a key focus of our school. Mrs O’Neil has been appointed as the coordinator of the program and we look forward to her leadership in this area.

You may have noticed that we only have 5 chickens left in our coop. Unfortunately we have had a (yet to be determined) sickness spread through our chickens which has resulted in their deaths with 2 being euthanized and three dying overnight. We are attempting to get a clear diagnosis of the specific disease that they have in order to provide ongoing treatment. Until this time the chicken coop has been quarantined with only selected staff permitted to enter. On the holidays a number of staff have volunteered to come and clean out our aquaponic tanks in order to provide a nicer looking environment for our fish and yabbies.

Those of you who regularly read my blog http://mbevan.blogspot.com.au/ would already have heard that I am going on teacher exchange to Canada in 2013. Mr Aaron Hoffman will be joining our staff as a senior primary teacher. Aaron comes from Okanagan Landing Elementary School in Vernon British Columbia. The Principal’s position will be filled by our Deputy Principals with Mrs vanderWal taking on the role in Semester 1 and Mr Ralph in Semester 2. Selected teachers will then be placed in the vacant Deputy Principal positions.

Semester 1 student reports will be sent home on Thursday July 5. Parents are invited to make appointments with their child’s teacher early in Term 3 to discuss any concerns or questions they may have about their progress.

School closes on Friday July 6 and reopens on Tuesday July 24. As this is the last newsletter of the term I wish all our students a safe and happy holiday break.

Stephen Bevan

Happy Holidays Miss Roller

Miss Roller, our Art teacher, will be taking Term 3 off to travel around Europe. Her replacement for the term will be Mrs Kylie Hodge. We wish Miss Roller all the best for a safe and happy holiday and welcome Mrs Hodge to our teaching team.

Enrolments for 2013

Parents wanting to enrol their child in Kindergarten, PP or Year 1 for 2013 are asked to visit our school office and complete an application for enrolment. The closing date for enrolments is August 3.